
BioShares Portfolio Summary

Attached is a summary of all BioShares portfolio companies as of 6/19/2017.  Current BioShares holdings may be found at  
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How has Biotechnology traded in 2015 relative to days with announced M&A transactions?

While M&A activity in the biotechnology sector has been robust, there was relatively little activity from mid-July through October 2015, as stock prices slumped following discussions of high valuations and high drug prices. However, there is anecdotal evidence that strategic discussions are gearing up, including two significant transactions announced last week (Shire’s $6 billion acquisition of DYAX and AstraZeneca’s $3 billion acquisition of ZSPH), as well as speculation in published major media around deals by large pharma and biotech companies including Pfizer, Allergan, Gilead and Vertex. To better understand how the overall Biotechnology sector trades during acquisition periods, we have analyzed how
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